We coordinate quality health services for you and your family, beyond your borders



Medical Boulevard is the facilitator of international medical tourism that accompanies you “on the road to life”How do we work?

If you need medical, dental, cosmetic or wellness treatment and are looking for options outside of where you live, you are in the right place. Provide what your need is, the diagnosis and the indication of the treatment guided by your doctor or desired procedure, as well as the documents, history and medical examinations, and we are with you.

Ready to start your medical journey with Medical Boulevard?

Step 1. Visit our website

On our website you will find information about the Medical treatments that we have available. However, if what you are looking for does not appear on this list, do not hesitate to ask us via email or our channel in WhatsApp, as well as any questions you may have about choosing the desired treatment.

You can also review our Medical Tourism Services so that you know the facilities we offer and in the section About us? and Why choose us? will confirm the advantages of taking this path with us.

Step 2 Fill out the treatment request form

Once the desired treatment has been identified, fill out the request form using the Request Treatment button. Remember to read and accept our Terms and Conditions of services.

If you have received confirmation of sending your request, a member of our team will contact you shortly and assign you a medical facilitator, in charge of giving you the personalized attention you need throughout your medical journey, with whom you will share the details of your medical indication or desired procedure.


Step 3. Treatment location

Depending on your needs, conditions and preferences, Medical Boulevard will offer you a location to receive the requested medical or wellness treatment, suggesting which hospital, clinic, health center or health professionals, as well as in which city or country it is available, the price range, conditions of services and travel options, so that you can make the best choice of the place where you will receive the selected health services.


Step 4. Contact the medical service provider.

You are already on your way to knowing if you are a candidate to receive the desired treatment in the destination of your choice. To do this, your medical facilitator will put you in contact with the health service provider who will care for you. Your medical history will be analyzed in depth and in some cases we will try to have direct contact between you and the medical team or their assistants, before closing an agreement.


Step 5. Agreements

You will receive an offer of medical services with a description of the services, the most approximate amount of the expenses involved in your treatment and the payment conditions. If you agree, an appointment to receive treatment is scheduled on a date planned between the parties, along with all the information necessary to prepare. Sometimes, you must pay a percent in advance, in others, you make full payment for the services upon arrival at the destination on the designated day.


Step 6 Travel organization

Once the health service is scheduled, we help you with information of interest and in some cases we can coordinate travel services at the destinations for your arrival, stay and return. We want you to feel safe every step of your medical journey until you reach the institution that will care for you to receive your treatment and then return home.


Step 7. Reception and treatment at the destination.

The day has come! A friendly team of professionals will receive you at the medical institution at the appointed time. Ask all the necessary questions and follow the medical instructions so that your procedure is successful. Your medical facilitator will be aware of your progress. We hope you can regain your health and enjoy the attractions of your chosen tourist destination.


Step 8. Return and follow-up.

You have successfully completed your medical journey! Medical Boulevard, together with your service provider, will continue to be with you until your complete recovery. We hope to always be part of your “path to life”.

Medical Boulevard se complace en acompañarles en su viaje de turismo de salud, camino a la vida.

  • Gastric balloon
  • Cirugía de Hernia Inguinal                                         
  • Colescistectomía Laparoscópica                                         
  • Hemorrhoidectomy                                            
  • Hernia Inguinal Laparoscópica                                                      
  • Hernioplastia Umbilical
  • Remodelación de nariz (Rinoplastia)               
  • Levantamiento y Estiramiento Facial (Ritidectomía)
  • Levantamiento de Cejas
  • Levantamiento de Párpados (Blefaroplastia)
  • Fijación de Orejas (Otoplastia)     
  • Bichectomy       
  • Implante de mamas                 
  • Liposucción Mentón
  • Levantamiento de Cuello
  • Levantamientos de Brazos 
  • Implantes de Mamas                      
  • Levantamientos de Mamas
  • Extracción de Implante de Mama                     
  • Reducción de Mamas
  • Cambio de Imagen para Mamá
  • Marcación Abdominal en el Hombre
  • Implante de Pectorales
  • Liposuction
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Implante de Glúteos             
  • Labioplastia Genital
  • Rejuvenecimiento Vaginal    
  • Peneplastia                                                        
  • Levantamiento de Muslos
  • Aumento de Pantorrillas                   
  • Dermapen con Ácido Hialurónico                                      
  • Exfoliación química                                                     
  • Hilos Tensores                                         
  • Inyecciones de Bótox                                        
  • Microagujas con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas
  • Rellenos
  • Tratamiento de la Hiperhidrosis
  • Septoplasty                                             
  • Tonsillectomy                                       
  • Rinoplastia reconstructiva             
  • Cirugía de Pólipos Nasales 
  • Circumcision
  • Varicocelectomy
  • Vasectomy
  • Blanqueamientos
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Dentaduras Parciales y Completas
  • Empastes y Reconstrucciones
  • Extracciones Simples y Complejas
  • Dental implants
  • Implantes Todo en 4 y 6 sistemas
  • Cleanings
  • Tratamientos de Endodoncia
  • Tratamientos de las Encías.
  • Inseminación Artificial (IA)
  • Coito Programado
  • Fecundación In Vitro (FIV)
  1. FIV con óvulos propios y semen de la pareja.
  2. FIV con óvulos propios y semen de donantes.
  3. FIV con óvulos donados (Ovodonación).
  4. Fertilización en Ciclo Natural.
  5. Mini-FIV.
  6. FIV con óvulos de la pareja en matrimonios de dos mujeres. (Método ROPA)
  • Preserva de la Fertilidad (Criopreservación)
  • Técnicas Avanzadas de Reproducción Asistida.
  • Diagnóstico Genético Especializado.
Must have a selected specialty*