Reemplazo de Cadera 
Orthopedics and Traumatology

Reemplazo de Cadera 

If you have severe damage to your hip due to osteoarthritis, hip fracture, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, among other conditions, you may need right or left hip joint replacement treatment, also called total hip arthroplasty or hip hemiarthroplasty, to resume your life without major limitations. At Medical Boulevard we help you create a Hip Replacement program according to your doctor's instructions, with institutions and specialists appropriate to your needs. We want to accompany you so that you can fully recover your health and feel safe and satisfied in your chosen health tourism destination.

Price from:
13 500 USD

Hip replacement is a surgical treatment to replace damaged parts of the hip joint with similar artificial parts or prostheses, which can be done using minimally invasive techniques and is feasible to perform during a medical tourism trip.

This surgical treatment is done in a hospital with an orthopedic surgery service, where the person may need to remain hospitalized for 1 to 3 days depending on their evolution and will require the assistance of a companion.

This treatment entails a subsequent physiotherapy process of between 3 and 6 months in your place of residence, to achieve the expected improvement.

Before the procedure you must refrain from smoking tobacco or cigarettes and consuming alcoholic beverages and harmful substances. If you are obese or overweight, it is advisable to lose weight.

Previous studies must be carried out that consist of a physical examination with the orthopedist, blood tests and x-rays or, exceptionally, an MRI.

It is advisable to find out about the need to use a cane, walker, wheelchair, crutches, elastic stockings, or other support implements after surgery, to acquire or coordinate them in advance during international travel and transfers, as well as to prepare the place where Postoperative recovery will be carried out and the place or medical center where the physical therapy will take place will be identified.

Two weeks before surgery, you should check the medications you take that may interfere with surgery, such as anticoagulants, anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressants, among others, with your doctor. If you suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or others, you should make sure they are controlled.

On the day of surgery, you cannot drink or eat between 6 and 12 hours before the procedure. You must take the medications prescribed by the surgeon and appear for the appointment at the appointed time.

The operation is performed in an operating room by orthopedic surgery specialists, under general or regional anesthesia, with which the person will be asleep or will not feel pain from the waist down.

The surgeon makes an incision on the side of the hip, advances to the area of ​​the joint, for which he can use modern less aggressive techniques such as minimally invasive hip arthroplasty, especially in younger and thinner people. The damaged parts of the hip socket are removed; articular cartilage and bones (part of the pelvic bone called the acetabulum) and/or the upper end of the femur bone (femoral head) and in their place will be placed prostheses made of metal or with plastic or ceramic components or coatings that resemble those natural and allow the function of the joint to be recovered.

The surgery lasts between 1 and 3 hours and then the person will be in a room to recover from anesthesia for a few more hours. You will remain in the hospital for 1 to 3 days to assess your progress and you will be asked to walk as soon as possible, even the next day after surgery. The removal of stitches or staples is carried out between 10 and 14 days later.

After surgery, it is necessary to perform physical therapy to achieve complete recovery 4 to 6 months later.

Hip replacement treatment eliminates pain and swelling, corrects deformities, improves gait so you can walk, and regains mobility to perform daily activities.

Generally the result is excellent and you will notice a considerable change in your quality of life immediately that will be consolidated and improved as you progress in physical therapy and in your incorporation into daily activities and social life.

Your doctor will determine if you are a candidate to benefit from hip replacement treatment. However, you may be eligible if you are in any of these situations:

  • There is pain in the hip that does not improve with medications, it prevents sleep, movements such as walking, getting up or climbing stairs.
  • He suffers from a hip condition that has not improved after medical treatments and physiotherapy.
  • Walking problems persist that require the use of canes or walkers.
  • You have difficulty moving to carry out normal daily activities.
  • You have a fracture of the head of the femur (hip fracture)
  • He has a tumor in his hip joint. 

Recommendations of Medical Boulevard so that you are successful in your medical tourism trip with a hip replacement.

  • Consult your doctor to find out if you are a candidate or eligible for hip replacement treatment.
  • Ask the doctor for information about possible complications that this treatment may have in your case and how to deal with them, such as infections, thrombosis, fractures or dislocation of the hip prosthesis.
  • Follow the instructions of the medical staff and care recommendations throughout the entire process, including postoperative recovery and rehabilitation, and not expose yourself to unnecessary risks, particularly during the return trip to your city or country. 
  • Contact the medical team immediately if you have any inconvenience with the procedure performed.
  • After a hip replacement, you should modify your lifestyle habits and avoid running or doing high-impact sports, as well as take extreme fall prevention and self-care measures.
  • Consider your medical tourism trip as an ideal time to commit to improving your lifestyle and making a lasting positive change for your health.


Solicite cotización gratuita para tratamiento de Reemplazo de Cadera .
Must have a selected specialty*

Check out the activities you can do in the destination of your choice in our Health Tourism Blog

  • Gastric balloon
  • Cirugía de Hernia Inguinal                                         
  • Colescistectomía Laparoscópica                                         
  • Hemorrhoidectomy                                            
  • Hernia Inguinal Laparoscópica                                                      
  • Hernioplastia Umbilical
  • Remodelación de nariz (Rinoplastia)               
  • Levantamiento y Estiramiento Facial (Ritidectomía)
  • Levantamiento de Cejas
  • Levantamiento de Párpados (Blefaroplastia)
  • Fijación de Orejas (Otoplastia)     
  • Bichectomy       
  • Implante de mamas                 
  • Liposucción Mentón
  • Levantamiento de Cuello
  • Levantamientos de Brazos 
  • Implantes de Mamas                      
  • Levantamientos de Mamas
  • Extracción de Implante de Mama                     
  • Reducción de Mamas
  • Cambio de Imagen para Mamá
  • Marcación Abdominal en el Hombre
  • Implante de Pectorales
  • Liposuction
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Implante de Glúteos             
  • Labioplastia Genital
  • Rejuvenecimiento Vaginal    
  • Peneplastia                                                        
  • Levantamiento de Muslos
  • Aumento de Pantorrillas                   
  • Dermapen con Ácido Hialurónico                                      
  • Exfoliación química                                                     
  • Hilos Tensores                                         
  • Inyecciones de Bótox                                        
  • Microagujas con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas
  • Rellenos
  • Tratamiento de la Hiperhidrosis
  • Septoplasty                                             
  • Tonsillectomy                                       
  • Rinoplastia reconstructiva             
  • Cirugía de Pólipos Nasales 
  • Circumcision
  • Varicocelectomy
  • Vasectomy
  • Blanqueamientos
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Dentaduras Parciales y Completas
  • Empastes y Reconstrucciones
  • Extracciones Simples y Complejas
  • Dental implants
  • Implantes Todo en 4 y 6 sistemas
  • Cleanings
  • Tratamientos de Endodoncia
  • Tratamientos de las Encías.
  • Inseminación Artificial (IA)
  • Coito Programado
  • Fecundación In Vitro (FIV)
  1. FIV con óvulos propios y semen de la pareja.
  2. FIV con óvulos propios y semen de donantes.
  3. FIV con óvulos donados (Ovodonación).
  4. Fertilización en Ciclo Natural.
  5. Mini-FIV.
  6. FIV con óvulos de la pareja en matrimonios de dos mujeres. (Método ROPA)
  • Preserva de la Fertilidad (Criopreservación)
  • Técnicas Avanzadas de Reproducción Asistida.
  • Diagnóstico Genético Especializado.
Must have a selected specialty*