We coordinate quality health services for you and your family, beyond your borders


Why choose us?

In Medical Boulevard You can find a wide variety of health tourism services: medical, surgical, dental, aesthetic and wellness, to satisfy the most diverse needs.

Our clients choose us for:

  1. Reliable and suitable solutions: We offer very reliable, safe and adapted health tourism solutions to the best interest of the patient, given the ethics and high specialization of our medical facilitators, stomatologists and psychologists.
  2. Quality of health services: We promote only services and institutions with updated quality certifications, selected by medical personnel with years of experience in international healthcare.
  3. Good value for money: We offer services with the best quality-price ratio, for clients of all budgets.
  4. Accessibility of services: We facilitate better access for people to health services, considering the possibilities of entering the country, connectivity of destinations, payment methods, use of medical insurance and tourism options.
  5. Multiple and attractive destinations: We have health services in several countries in America, Europe and Asia, taking into account offers, preferences and travel possibilities, which can also be a tourist attraction for the person and their family.
  6. Speed: We respond as soon as possible and look for the fastest solution for each health situation, without waiting lists.
  7. Personalized attention: We individually address the needs of each person so that they provide the best experience in their medical journey.
  8. Transparent and quality information: We offer specialized and clear information about treatments and medical institutions, prices, services and tourist destinations, so that the person can make the best decision.
  9. Permanent and assertive communication: We maintain close and positive communication with the medical tourist during their trip.
  10. Respect for diversity and privacy: Our team serves people of any health condition, ethnicity, religious belief and LGTBI community with sensitivity and respect, preserving privacy, in Spanish and English.

Request our services through the following form and a medical facilitator will contact you as soon as possible:

Medical Boulevar is pleased to accompany you on your health tourism journey, the road to life.

  • Gastric balloon
  • Cirugía de Hernia Inguinal                                         
  • Colescistectomía Laparoscópica                                         
  • Hemorrhoidectomy                                            
  • Hernia Inguinal Laparoscópica                                                      
  • Hernioplastia Umbilical
  • Remodelación de nariz (Rinoplastia)               
  • Levantamiento y Estiramiento Facial (Ritidectomía)
  • Levantamiento de Cejas
  • Levantamiento de Párpados (Blefaroplastia)
  • Fijación de Orejas (Otoplastia)     
  • Bichectomy       
  • Implante de mamas                 
  • Liposucción Mentón
  • Levantamiento de Cuello
  • Levantamientos de Brazos 
  • Implantes de Mamas                      
  • Levantamientos de Mamas
  • Extracción de Implante de Mama                     
  • Reducción de Mamas
  • Cambio de Imagen para Mamá
  • Marcación Abdominal en el Hombre
  • Implante de Pectorales
  • Liposuction
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Implante de Glúteos             
  • Labioplastia Genital
  • Rejuvenecimiento Vaginal    
  • Peneplastia                                                        
  • Levantamiento de Muslos
  • Aumento de Pantorrillas                   
  • Dermapen con Ácido Hialurónico                                      
  • Exfoliación química                                                     
  • Hilos Tensores                                         
  • Inyecciones de Bótox                                        
  • Microagujas con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas
  • Rellenos
  • Tratamiento de la Hiperhidrosis
  • Septoplasty                                             
  • Tonsillectomy                                       
  • Rinoplastia reconstructiva             
  • Cirugía de Pólipos Nasales 
  • Circumcision
  • Varicocelectomy
  • Vasectomy
  • Blanqueamientos
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Dentaduras Parciales y Completas
  • Empastes y Reconstrucciones
  • Extracciones Simples y Complejas
  • Dental implants
  • Implantes Todo en 4 y 6 sistemas
  • Cleanings
  • Tratamientos de Endodoncia
  • Tratamientos de las Encías.
  • Inseminación Artificial (IA)
  • Coito Programado
  • Fecundación In Vitro (FIV)
  1. FIV con óvulos propios y semen de la pareja.
  2. FIV con óvulos propios y semen de donantes.
  3. FIV con óvulos donados (Ovodonación).
  4. Fertilización en Ciclo Natural.
  5. Mini-FIV.
  6. FIV con óvulos de la pareja en matrimonios de dos mujeres. (Método ROPA)
  • Preserva de la Fertilidad (Criopreservación)
  • Técnicas Avanzadas de Reproducción Asistida.
  • Diagnóstico Genético Especializado.